When choosing a hydroseed or soil erosion product for your next project, slope, vegetation and surrounding areas are of main concern. Being aware of the new technology that is emerging and understanding how spending a little more on product that has been proven to be effective will actually increase your overall profitability and success.
There are multiple products on the market that can be used to complete these projects. The following article describes the differences between Conwed Wood Fiber 1000 and 2000. These are just a few of the options available. To learn more about hydro seed and erosion control products download our new ebook, “The Right Product to Use for Your Next Hydroseed or Erosion Control Job”.
Benefits of Conwed Wood Fiber 1000
Soil erosion projects are completed on all different size slopes. Steeper slopes require products that will create a stronger bond. Conwed Fibers’ wood products are ideal for critical slopes with up to 2:1 slopes.
Conwed Wood Fiber utilizes heat and pressure that breaks wood down into more fibrous material with greater surface area that results in better yield and coverage. The solution creates an interlocking matrix for better erosion control protection and allows for improved oxygen transfer. This method creates an ideal environment for faster germination.
Benefits of Conwed Fiber 2000
This product is ideal for erosion control and re-vegetation for protection on difficult sites and conditions where the weather calls for an extra measure of protection. It is very effective for rough graded slopes.
Conwed Fiber 1000 vs. 2000
Conwed Fibers Hydro Mulch 2000 is a 100% wood fiber but has a premium tackifier included. This tackifier is a pre-blended high-viscosity, organic polysaccharide tackifier that results in superior erosion control performance. This tackifier eliminates the need of the extra step and mess of field mixing. This product reduces soil loss and enhances germination while holding 13.5 times its own weight in water for incredible establishment. Conwed Fiber 2000 meets or exceeds all requirements for wood fiber mulch.
Other Hydroseeding and Erosion Control Products
Other products include Pro Matrix Engineered Fiber Matrix, Flexterra (HP-FGM) High Performance-Flexible Growth Medium and Bonded Fiber Matrix. To learn more about these products download our entire ebook by clicking the photo below.
If you are in need of hydroseeding or erosion control services please contact All Seasons Landscaping or visit our website here.